It's October 26th. After searching for months through multiple states and websites, on a whim I respond to a craigslist ad for a Sabre 28 that looks to be in really good condition, has a Yanmar diesel, fridge, and even a radar tower with a swim step. Nicole and I go see China Doll (shown below).
China Doll - she'd been launched a few hours earlier for the survey |
With new sails and most of the essential work being done by the previous owners (stanchions, grab rails, new running rigging, re-done windows, and rebuilt chainplates for the standing rigging) she was in virtually sail away condition. The greatest part was that the previous owner gave us many of the little things that would make China Doll a functional voyager. Flares, horns, fire extinguishers, offshore harnesses, sun shower, a dinghy with engine, and an autopilot are the most notable features.
Plus, check out the radar tower. That thing is freaking awesome!!! Now we have more gear stored and used on it than you'd believe. A bilge pump for the dingy, our outboard, 3 fishing rods, the grill, our folding bike, a bucket for doing dishes and washing clothes, fishing harness, offshore lifejackets...crazy how much stuff we can fit on there.
Having 6 points of contact for support and strength the radar tower is super durable and rugged. Frequently I will sit on top of it. If I'm driving I'll connect the remote for our tiller autopilot and steer from up there. If Nicole's driving, I'll have 2 lines out and I'll sit backwards watching small fish check out my lures and making sure that we're not snagging weeds. Wicked fun though and when it's settled weather it's the best seat in the house as you can see flying fish, turtles, and dolphins for about 100 yards in every direction because of the elevated view. Imagine just ghosting along in a calm, doing about 4.5 knots with a light breeze, sunshine feels hot because there's no apparent wind, you're sitting up there looking at this indigo blue water you only see in photoshopped advertisements...and then it hits you that this is your life.
--Jay and Nicole
Randy Browning here, from
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Randy Browning